Month: February 2014


We took her to a ski resort over the Christmas holidays. She loved playing in the snow, throwing snow balls and skiing with Papa. The next time she got to go to a ski resort was weekend before last. The minute she saw Didi’s skis, she claimed them as her own. It took a lot of persuasion and promise of “we will ski later” for her to let Didi get on the skis.

Soon after she was standing atop my skis, while I was harnessed in the bindings.

Me ski Mumma saath!

A couple of rounds around with her and D took her inside, while I took Buzz up the ‘cliff’, as she calls it. When we were done for the day, she came running again.

Me ski, me ski!

Alas the boots and skis are too big for her and not wanting her to get hurt, we distracted her while we walked back to the car.

This morning, she ran down to wave bye to Didi and Papa but they were gone. Now Bugz in the garage can only mean one thing, EXPLORATION! Paa who is in town went to look after her and called me to come look.

Didi’s skis were on the floor, her boots in her feet (wrong feet of course!), helmet on backwards, as she tried to pull the goggles off its place on the helmet and on to her eyes. I fixed the helmet, perched the goggles on her eyes. She smiled and went off to the skis. The rest of the time was spent, trying to get on them, much to my amusement.

Papa forget the elder one, your younger one is ready to go Ski!

Worries of a Dad

Buzz is tall for her age. A couple of inches above the next tallest person in her class tall, 97th percentile or greater in the growth chart for girls tall, a dress size above most kids her age tall. By all calculations and predictions she will be between 5.8 to 5.10 when she grows up, if not taller.

I was at a doctor’s office with Buzz today, where they measured her height and charted it against the national average. 97th percentile her doctor told me.

When D and I met for lunch and I told him the same. “So what did the doctor say? How can we stop her?”, he asked me.

I burst out laughing, of course.

Poor dad is so worried about her little girl growing so tall. “Please stop at 5.8”, he keeps telling her. “Please don’t hit the 6 feet mark”, he prays.

Bugz, who looks short in front of Buzz, is actually a couple of inches ahead of where Buzz was at this age. I wonder if I should bring this aspect of the little one to his notice? It could be interesting to see him freak out and his worry skyrocket!

I wonder, I wonder! *evil Comfy laughs*

Winter Olympics through her eyes

– Skiing, snowboarding, ice racing are all good but Ice dancing is what catches our fancy. Again men don’t count, it is all about the ladies.

– Their dresses are so special: jewels, sparkles, treasures!

– We can see their underwear every time they turn, bend, jump. he he he

– Do they not feel cold on the ice?

– How do they get so much ice in one place?

– How do they put the Olympic symbol and colors through the ice?

– Oh look at her going round and round in circles. Oh so pretty!

– Why do some people fall during jumps?

– Which country is she from?

– Oh Russia, she drove here? The rest took the airplane!

– Can you record it for us? Where the girls dance? Please?

Comfort Zone

Buzz and Bugz share a room and have been for over a year now. Buzz sleeps on a mattress on the floor because I am scared of her falling off her bed (she is seen on the floor most nights), while Bugz sleeps in a crib. I hear them talk for a few minutes, after I tuck them in bed each night and their talk is what I open my eyes to each morning. They are happy being together and we are happy with their bonding.

A couple of weekends ago, we were at our friends’ place. It was getting late, so all of us decided to order food and have dinner together. The guys left to pick up dinner and the next thing we know, they were stuck in a snow storm with no way to come back. They somehow made way to our house, while I took Buzz and Bugz to our friends’ guest bedroom  for the night.

Bugz a hater of any kind of change, refused to get in bed.

This this bed, no me ka!

she repeated over and over again. A lot of coaxing, Buzz getting in bed, making it seem like a lot of fun was when finally she did get in. That was followed by a tantrum about the blanket.

This baanket big! Me baanket choota!

A couple of change of blankets and she settled in the bed with her milk. Change of place kept her awake way past her bed time, which meant there was time to pull and pat Didi who was only an arm length away, for a change. What fun! An hour in to it, totally out of patience, I put a pillow between the two of them, gave them a long dirty look and stepped out of the room, with a final warning to sleep.

A very tired Buzz told the little pattaka in a very stern voice,

Bugz ab so jaao, OK?

she said in response.

Buzz was asleep soon after while I could hear Bugz moving around. 15 mins later when all was peaceful, I walked in to see the pillow pushed a little, Bugz sleeping sandwiched between it and her Didi. Could there be a more comfortable spot, I ask?

Little Hills

Dear Buzz,

In order for you to be happy, you need everyone to be happy with you. And that means your parents, your family, your teachers, your friends, people you met for the first time. Truly everyone! There is also the fact that you are good at a lot of things. You pick up things taught at school without a lot of struggle, you love arts and craft and have the patience to finish coloring a picture perfectly, you are coordinated and dance well, you have a good balance which helps you in sports. These two things combined means that it gets very difficult for you when you don’t do well at anything. Your first instinct is to avoid doing it, pretending that it does not interest you. Then the struggle starts to try and try a little more. As a grown up (and a biased mom), I still things you pick things, you thinks are difficult, easily. A few tries and it is not a challenge anymore.

Beginning of this school year, learning to read was your biggest struggle. You knew you letters, you knew the sound they made. But seeing it all together and you decided it was too hard. It has been slow work, trying to sound every letter and fit it all together, but you my smart one, memorize words you get stuck on and remember them so that you don’t have to sound them out. In a way that is how we are all read, our brain processes most written text that way, which makes your way a great way to go, but your Maa still makes you sound every word and makes you work through it. Super mean of her, I know, but you are doing great, even when you think you are not. I look at the progress you have made in the few short months and am amazed at how far you have come.

You love to learn. You wanted to learn how to read and write Hindi, so I taught you how to write your name. For about a month, you wrote it everywhere you possibly could. When your school offered Hindi class in their after school program, I asked you if you wanted to go? You were so excited to start that it was difficult to make you wait the week before class started. Every week you would come home talking about something you had learned. There was the k, kh, g and your funny pronunciation of them, there was Ravan and Diwali stories, there was practicing writing the letters. And you had fun doing it all. We worked together on ghoda and not goda, jhoola and not joola but as we laughed, you learned.

When you were a year and a half we had gone to a beach. You were so excited to see the water that you ran towards it. A big wave came charging and I picked you up in the nick of time, but it scared you off. Big pools of water were not for you. It took slow build up of confidence to get you inside a swimming pool but once you got over your fear, you were amazing. Now I see you mastering the backstroke, working hard on free style and just this weekend they progressed you to breast stroke. The smile on your face and you talked all about how you moved your legs was a sight to behold.

Having heard and watched videos of your Paa skiing and snowboarding, you could not wait to learn either. But having skis on is a totally different experience and the cold and snow does not help either. Once you got used to that, they started teaching you how to stop on a small small (almost un-noticeable) slope. The first time around, you were scared. I stood below, with a promise that I would not let you fall. You smiled and came down full speed, not even trying to stop. A couple of trips down the slope and you realized, you would stop without any effort on your part as you came to the flat section. No matter how many times your instructed asked you to break, you would not. You looked at me and said, ‘I like going fast, why should I break?’. I explained that only when you learned to stop will your instructors take you up on the chair lift. Indeed they did that to a few kids in your class, while you got left behind. Not happy with that, you practiced you stops, relentlessly.

This weekend, your ski class was off. The plan was for your Paa to see if you were ready for the chair lift and if so take you up one and come down an actual long slope. A couple of reasons and we decided that I would carry my ski along and not him. The two of us did three runs on bunny slopes and we thought you were ready. With a little bit of trepidation (OK a lot more than little), I took you up the slope on the chair lift. You laughed as we sat on the chair, hanging high over the ground, looking down at people. The getting off the lift used to be the scariest part for me, while I was learning how to ski, but you were a pro at it, in your first time. I told you, ‘skis straight, stand up and I will push you a little.’ You did it exactly as instructed, not even a wobble and you were off, skiing out. I went in front, you followed. Not only breaking when your speed became too much but also turning as I did. Any expectations I had, before we started the run, you blew beyond recognition. As we came down to stand in line again to get on the chair lift, you asked me, ‘can you tell Papa, I did well? I feel down twice, but that is OK right Mumma?’. I hugged you tights, ‘of course it is more than ok!’ 3 more runs, only one more fall, while Paa and Bugz, standing in the middle of the run, watching and you were ready to move on to the next challenge.

Your little hills, you concur with so much ease. Your highs so much bigger because of your little age. Our pride ever growing with each step of yours. My dearest one, my wish for you stays with you, through the hills and valleys. Stay healthy, stay happy, stay you.

Oh and as you grow up and laugh at my skiing skills, remember I was the first one to teach you how to come down a hill!

Loads of love,


Bugz talk

Some nights I wake up to her screaming, ‘Blanket!’ I stumble to her room, cover her with her blanket. Sometimes she then asks for ‘Paani’ (water). Not to get her in to a habit of asking for water every night, I tell her I will get it in a bit and walk back to my room. She falls asleep in less than a minute, water forgotten.

Same thing happened again. As per norm, I was back in my bed and sleeping in a couple of minutes. The next thing I remember is hearing her chant:

Mumma no coming! Mumma no coming!


After playing with Didi, drinking her milk, it was time to go downstairs. As usual, I held out my hand for her to hold. She refused and wanted to be picked up. I tried reasoning with her, but she wanted to be picked up and carried down.

Picking her up, I started walking down the stairs when she patted me on my shoulder and said,



I was telling her my version of the ‘animal teaching her how to dance’ story by RM (RM please send a link and I will link it here). At one point she asked,

No peecup?
Peecup, what peecup baby?
Peecup, dance dance! Where peecup?

Pee in a cup? Dancing with it? Lost, I looked around and then it came to me. “Then Peacock spread his wings and showed everyone how to dance”

Haan, peecup dance dance, aise!


Kuncle kahaan hein?

she asked her aunty.

Kuncle office mein?

Don’t know about your house, but talks of kuncle (uncle) are very common in ours.


Nana has been gone for a month now. Every time we ask her where he is, she replies,


Is Nana at Maama’s place? Is he with Maami? Every question is meet with,

No, Nana airport mein!

“Lets go get Nana”, I told her.

Airport se?

So yeah, Nana has spend a month at the airport and now we are going to get him back from there.


The best part

We had a parade in town and I asked Buzz if she wanted to go. Super excited, she nodded.

Then came the rules:
– It will be very loud, will you get upset?
– It will be a long wait, will you keep asking how much longer?
– It will be very cold, will you cry over that?

‘No’, she said with every rule.

Next morning we bundled her in her warmest clothes, put hand warmers, food and water in our backpack and left for the Parade.

It was indeed loud, the wait oh so long and so so so cold. Buzz kept her word for most parts. There were a few moments about being cold, till she got the hand warmers warming her up. There were a few tears about the parade not starting after a long wait, especially when the marching band stood in front of us doing nothing for a long long time. #JoysOfStandingRightAtTheStartOfTheParade

Then the police came atop horses, which distracted Buzz for a long while. The horses were smelly and so tall if anyone cares to know Buzz’s reaction to them.

Wait wait wait, finally ended with the marching band starting their walk. The main attractions of the parade came down. There was cheering, screaming, waving, clapping, smiling from Buzz while she had the best seat in town – atop D’s shoulders.

When all was done, and we walked back to our car, we asked her what her favorite part was.

The horsy pooped on the road!

The answer has been consistent since, to all enquires. #Duh #WeCouldHaveTakenHerToAnAnimalFarmInstead

Polar what?

This morning Buzz wanted to hear ‘Iti se hansi, iti se khushi‘. I was in a hurry so instead of playing it over youtube, I found it on my phone’s playlist and played the song. Buzz and Bugz sang along and danced together.

The next song came on and Bugz starting singing.

Polar Bear..Polar Bear


Maula Mere became Polar Bear for both of them. Case of ‘hearing what we want’ much? 😀