Sunday..that was

After forever I got to hit the Gym and I exercised the way I used to, without looking at the clock. Without having to worry about getting home or taking care of XYZ.

Once back home, I spend an insane amount of time on self grooming, where the tweezers got some use of them after a looong loooong time. The eyebrows are dancing since. The toes got soaked and cleaned and a beautiful coral shade of nail paint now shines on them. The legs got shaved and can’t seem to thank me enough.

In order to thank D for taking care of Buzz and everything around in order for me to get this much me time for the first time since Buzz was born I made Sambar, Chutney and Idli. Till about a month back, I could not make Sambar to same my life. So I hounded Revs for a recipe and have since made a lot of progress and D is loving it. So Sambar recipe Revs style, Coconut Chutney from Maa’s teaching and Idli from Gits. The house smelled heavenly.

The day was capped off with a trip to the lake. Sun was out..not a cloud in sight. The day warm. The water beautiful. Sat in the park, watched the sun set on the hills behind the lake, with all around.

Sheer bliss. What a wonderful day.

The joy continues on today..everytime I see my painted happy toes in my new sandals. I did tell you about the new sandals, did I not? Oh well now you know 😀

64 thoughts on “Sunday..that was

  1. Wow! that sounds like a perfect Sunday 😀
    SO good to see you all chirpy after some time of your own to give yourself a bit of grooming and a shimmer 🙂

    It’s always a pleasure to successfully cook something you didn’t know well till recently and now you are a master at it to your hubby’s liking 😀

    Wishing you many more similar happy days 🙂

    Have fun girl…and I too love flaunting my toes whenever I have a new shade of nail paint on 😀

  2. Wow…what a nice day…and how the hell did u manage to pack so much into one day…Good Lord!!! I would have done 1 of the above mentioned things and gone to sleep for the rest of the day

    Inspiration u are on how to put a day to good use 😛

    1. exactly !! comfy has reminded me that it’s been a long time since my toes got soaked and I also had forgotten that they are yearning for it !! bad me !

      Thanks for this one…you inspired me too 🙂

    2. You need to have kids..then you are so use to being on the go all the time..and start to cherish the free time you get..that you want to pack in as much as you can.. 😀 😀

  3. Cool, completely agree with Nuttie! how many hours did you have in that day 🙂

    Grooming, gymming .. Girl you have to give yourself these breaks from time to time… Nice 🙂

    1. and yes this proves yet again that the ME time is so so important to be given to ourselves 🙂

      And hey thanks to D as well,from all of us…if it was not him then you would not have indulged and we would not have been inspired 😛


  4. I painted my toes last week and it made me happy. I have to pamper myself every once in a while or go insane.

    It sounds like a perfect day! Feeling like a woman can feel so good.

  5. Wowww! What a day! Sigh! i am nt even looking @ my feet nw 😛 They need some pampering for all that they do 😉 😉

    Pics from the lake plsssss!

  6. Sigh… perfect Comfy! 🙂 🙂

    I need a pedicure and the nail polish retouched as well! 😉

    The lunch menu sounds delicious despite the fact that I don’t like idlis!! 😉

    no pics from the lake for us to admire?! 😉

  7. Aaaah…having your ‘own’ time after having a baby is a luxury that we get very rarely…ask me…I had a long holiday but still couldn’t manage any ‘my time’ until A came to take us back home! I loved it and I’m sure you did too! 🙂
    Good Comfy…tell D to do this often…he can get good treats too 😀 😉 😛

    1. And she is back..Yay..

      That was one long vacation.. but no time to yourself.. 😦

      Go..go for another vacation..but take you computer with you this were missed. 🙂

      1. Sure time I go I’m not going to deprive myself of blogging!!! I missed you all a lot too!! 😀

        Long vacation…true…want to write so much but I’m still lazing out 😛

  8. You are an inspiration comfy. I would have made my way to salon and got myself pampered. Sigh. Such a lazy soul I am. 😦
    And you said Idlies !! How did I miss the invite ? 😛

    1. Who has time to go to a is either do it yourself or live with it 😦

      I made Idlies out of the MTR pack..can’t invite anyone for can I..What with people around me making awesome South Indian food..and talking about special Sambar and all that..

  9. err swimming weekly means having silky smooth limbs all the time 😀
    my brows were made to scare unexpecting people, so I try not to let them grow into a thick nest 😛

    what can I say about your Sunday – well spent and well deserved 😀
    am totally with you for pampering yourself… some days do deserve it 😉

  10. Awesome. Glad you had a lovely Sunday as this one. 🙂 ME time, self-pampering is all needed every once in a while. Whenever you and/or D need me time, send Buzz to me, I will baby sit 🙂

  11. Pics please. So we can get inspired to give our toes the TLC they’ve been craving for a long time now 😦

    But yeah, the feeling is awesome, isnt it? More because you dont have to worry about it for a long time 😉

  12. Wow !! lucky girl…Me time ,pampering is what we all crave for…..I expect to have it during my vacation….fingers crossed…..

    Idlies….great…was it rava idli or the batter of rice and urad dal…Coconut chutney is my favourite…..

  13. Every once in a while it is nice to take a break, to get away from it all, where time doesnt matter. I felt so nice, just reading the post.. mood uplifter it was!

  14. 🙂 one should pamper herself almost all the times 🙂

    btw..I have a sambhar recipe too…though with punjabi touch 🙂

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