
Walking forward, stride strong,
Soaking in the excitement all around..
A new start, a clean slate, say all
One remembered hurdle..
Each step forward, dint of sheer will.

Laughing aloud, smile bright,
Taking in the light and joy..
A new day, a bright sun, sees the eye
One flash of the day gone..
Upward curve of the lips, insurmountable effort.

Calming thought, beat steady,
Breathing in breathing out..
A new year, a century begins, knows the mind
One suppressed through,
Unclasping the fist on the heart, beyond impossible.

Some things hidden,
Some things momentarily forgotten..
But always there, never lost, not healed,
Still we go on, pretending no end..
A mask we wear for the world to see.

44 thoughts on “Mask

  1. Some things hidden,
    Some things momentarily forgotten..
    But always there, never lost, not healed,
    And still we go on, pretending no end..
    A mask we wear for the world to see.

    Simply awesome lines….
    Great work comfy…. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. A mask we wear for the world to see….

    How true Comfy …

    The world sees our smile and nothing beyond…
    The warmth that the face reflects and not the heard that is ironed.
    We fool them each day…
    But how will you fool me – I hear myself say!

    1. We all do this..and we all are too involved in our misery to have time to look at others with any deepth. Such is life.

      But till we are honest with ourselves, I think we do just fine.

  3. “Some things hidden,
    Some things momentarily forgotten..
    But always there, never lost, not healed,
    Still we go on, pretending no end..
    A mask we wear for the world to see.” So very true! Beautifully expressed, Comfy!

  4. The last few lines say it all.. we have all these masks on us …

    different face for different people and different situations …

    but inside all that remains same ..


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